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Remote Tools Framework 1.0 Is For Real

Published by Dave Edson 

Last year we released a powertoy for the Remote Tools Framework. Now, with the SP1 release, we have released the real product.

The Remote Tools Framework allows you to write remote tools (think Remote System Information) quickly and easily. A Remote Tool is now a plug-in, distributed as a .cetool file. This one file bundles together all of the different peices of a remote tool. No setup involved, just double click on the .cetool file to run it.

The new Remote Tools Shell is the entry point to running the plug-ins. You can deploy multiple tools to the same device simultaneously. You can split the shell's window to provide side-by-side functionality. Included with the product is the new Remote System Information, which now shows you more information than older versions, especially in the areas of certificates.

Also new with the Remote Tools Framework is a wizard for Visual Studio that will make building your own custom tool a snap. Simply run the wizard, and you will have a simple remote tool that is ready to be enhanced with your specific needs.

Now that the Remote Tools Framework is no longer a powertoy and instead a real product, you can be assured that we are committed to it and its success.

Feel free to ask me any questions about it.

If you have installed SP1 of Platofrm Builder, you already have the Remote Tools Framework, just look on your start menu for "Microsoft Remote Tools Framework 1.0". If you want to install just the framework and not Platform Builder, go to and then search for "Remote Tools Framework".

Dave Edson
Remote Tools Framework Guy