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How to find out the SIP URIs of users connected on one particular OCS Front End server

There might be situation that you would like to know the SIP URIs of the users, which are connected to one of the OCS servers under a pool.

This article is to understand a SQL query which will help us find out list of users, which are connected to one particular OCS Front End Server.

You can even run this query on a standard edition OCS server to check, how many users are connected to the OCS Server at that point of time.

Select a.UserAtHost "Active-Users" from rtc.dbo.Resource

a,rtcdyn.dbo.DeliveryContext b where a.ResourceId=b.SubscriberId and b.FrontEndId=1


In above query FrontEndID is the corresponding ID of the OCS Front End server where the users are connected to.

This ID can be obtained from the FrontEnd table of the rtcdyn database.

This table has OCS FE FQDN and corresponding FrontEndId.

To run the above query on the Enterprise Edition OCS setup.

a) In order to run the above SQL query, go to the backend SQL server

b) Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

c) Click "New Query"

d) Paste the above query and click "Execute" button. It will show the list fo users which are connected to the Front End server at the moment.

To run the above query on the Standard Edition OCS setup.

a) Download and Install "SQL Server Managment Studio Express Edition"

b) Open SQL Server Management Studio Express Console.

c) Connect to <ServerName>\RTC using Windows Authentication

d) Click "New Query"

e) Paste the above query and click "Execute" button. It will show the list fo users which are connected to the Front End server at the moment.