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PDC 2009 – I can’t wait!

Things are really starting to heat up around here as we get ready for the PDC.   Just this week I have talked to folks on Silverlight, Visual Studio, Azure, ASP.NET, .NET RIA Services, MEF that all have very cool new stuff to talk about at the PDC.   


We just recently announced the Scott Guthrie will be giving one of the keynotes, so you can be sure that will be fun.. You can bet Scott will be talking about the latest from ASP.NET, Silverlight, the .NET Framework and Visual Studio!   

I will also be there to talk about building business application in Silverlight… no rotating images or dancing videos in this talk, it will be all about saving you and your end user’s time by taking advantage of the latest in Silverlight, .NET RIA Services and Visual Studio!

Hope to see you there, but there will also be lots of good content on line if you can’t make it..

Find out more information here: 

When I have talked to developers in the past about coming to PDC, one of the things has been convincing their boss that it is worth the time and money.. I’d love to hear any success stories you have had.  How have you sold the PDC to your boss?  what works?