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My pragmatic thoughts for the New Year

All of sudden, it's a new year. I came to visit my parents in Eastern Washington a few days ago, and I'm still here waiting for the passes to clear up enough for me to get home. I don't feel much like working, but wanted to share a thought while I had a few minutes to spare

I'm not much for resolutions, but I do have one for 2009. Years ago, when I first read The Pragmatic Programmer, as suggested in the book, I began an effort to learn a new programming language every year. So, for the last 5 years or so, I've learned a new language a year - not enough in any case to be an expert, but enough to adequately understand the language so that I could write simple utilities and be fluent in reading the code.

Last year, however, was an exception. With work on the book taking almost all of my spare time, I barely did any programming at all. HWTSAM, of course, is complete, so this year I'm going to see if I  can get my mind around Python. Python 3.0 is out, and Corey Goldberg has a great recommendation for a book, so we'll see how I do.

Good luck to everyone else who has some sort of resolution, and best wishes for the new year.