Of Filesystems And Other Demons
... about file system filters and complexity in general
Hi all, I’ve decided to move the blog to a new location and i’ve copied all the existing posts. I...
Date: 02/11/2010
FILTER VERIFIER ERROR: A filter has completed an operation but does not implement name...
Date: 10/08/2009
Proper usage of names in file system filters and minifilters is a topic that comes up a lot. The...
Date: 09/30/2009
Sorry about the frequency of my posts, i’m been really swamped with the IFS Plugfest preparations....
Date: 09/01/2009
In this post I'll try to address a couple of questions that are all related and that I've seen asked...
Date: 08/11/2009
One very important structure that everyone writing minifilters very quickly becomes familiar is the...
Date: 07/24/2009
Now that we’ve discussed contexts in general there is one very important structure to talk about....
Date: 07/09/2009
Why does one need contexts ? Well, the IO model in NT is based on passing objects around and the...
Date: 07/01/2009
The next logical structure in the hierarchy is the FLT_INSTANCE. An instance represents an...
Date: 06/24/2009
Well, as you have probably guessed, FLT_FILTER is a structure that describes a minifilter. It is a...
Date: 06/16/2009
Right below the FLTP_FRAME in the hierarchy of filter manager objects is the FLT_VOLUME. It is a...
Date: 06/09/2009
Filter Manager's only purpose is to simplify writing file system filters and sometimes it does this...
Date: 06/09/2009
The main focus of this blog is development of file system filters. I’m not sure how many people are...
Date: 06/09/2009