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Andy Simonds Blog

Since I moved over to the Office team this blog (primarily focused on XPS) is not very active. If...

Date: 12/12/2007

Wooohooooo!!!! Windows Vista RTM'd today: Almost 5...

Date: 11/08/2006

Sort of Chapter 1 of a 3-part release of the innovation we have been working on for the last 4 or so...

Date: 11/07/2006

A few things to note: A very cool white-board demo you have to see. Posted on Nils van Boxsel's blog...

Date: 11/01/2006

Kofax recently sent out a press release regarding support for XPS in their toolkit for the document...

Date: 10/25/2006

The final v1.0 of the XPS spec is available for download. Get it here. - Andy

Date: 10/25/2006

At 11:30 AM PST - the final version of the XML Paper Specification (v1.0) RTM'd. This is a great day...

Date: 10/19/2006

I’ve finally purchased my ‘Vista’ PC for my home. My new PC was custom built from parts from Fry’s...

Date: 10/08/2006

A few random updates. But 1st, I mentioned putting up a picture of the spec. Here it is in its'...

Date: 10/01/2006

A new article on digital signatures is up on MSDN. Written by Andrey Shur (our all-knowing,...

Date: 09/27/2006

Version .95 of the XPS spec is now available. Download it from the XPS download site. Also, go to...

Date: 09/26/2006

Next week I am off to Boston to speak at the InfoTrends Office Document Solutions conference. Feel...

Date: 09/14/2006

Beta 2 of the XPS essentials pack is out. Read about the details and how to download at the XPS team...

Date: 09/10/2006

RC1 of .NET 3.0 and Windows Vista has shipped. If you are a beta tester for Vista you already should...

Date: 09/05/2006

In the July CTP of .NET 3.0 (formerly WinFX) the XPS print driver (MXDW) is included in the package....

Date: 07/26/2006

We've announced some new requirements for hardware supporting XPS and WSD. Specifically we are...

Date: 07/21/2006

There is new info posted on the web regarding Windows Media Photo licensing. Latest info on...

Date: 07/05/2006

A new D2 newsletter hit the stands today. If you are still not getting the newsletter please go...

Date: 06/15/2006

This year I have gotten more and more addicted to Flickr. Don't know how it happened. I've tried...

Date: 06/13/2006

Friday we announced rebranding WinFX as .NET Framework 3.0. You can read about the details is Soma's...

Date: 06/12/2006

Microsoft TechEd 2006 is next week and we will have a session on XPS there. Marcio will be going...

Date: 06/09/2006

The Windows Vista Product Guide is available up on It seems to have finished its’...

Date: 06/07/2006

So it is certainly an interesting news day today. For those interested in the world of PDF and XPS,...

Date: 06/02/2006

Brian just posted an entry about the decision to remove PDF support from Office....

Date: 06/02/2006

It’s been a big week. WinHEC is wrapping up and we have shipped Beta 2. Beta 2 is awesome (I have...

Date: 05/25/2006

WinFX Beta 2 is available for download here. This will give you the exact platform bits for WinFX...

Date: 05/24/2006

A bunch of press over the last 2 weeks. Thought I would play the manual news-feed effort and collect...

Date: 05/22/2006

An amazing day. Went by so fast. We had a steady run of people coming by the booth, a lot busier...

Date: 05/17/2006

Day 1 is in the can! A good steady stream of people all day. There wasn't a huge # of people in the...

Date: 05/16/2006

AIIM time is here. A 4.5 hour flight took over 6 hours as we spun over farm fields forever before...

Date: 05/14/2006

It is suddenly May and things are busy as ever around here. Of course, focusing on Beta 2 is our top...

Date: 05/03/2006

We recently posted a bunch of sample XPS documents. Download them here. These are primarily for...

Date: 04/20/2006

Today we launched Beta 1 of what we are calling the XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack. If you...

Date: 04/06/2006

We get asked often about how to find out more info on XPS, or other things the D2 team is doing....

Date: 04/04/2006 last post was a little ambitious - I was about a week off in my prediction of getting .85 of...

Date: 03/31/2006

A lot of people have been asking about .85 - it's coming soon. Should be out this week. I will make...

Date: 03/20/2006

Microsoft will have a big presence at the AIIM expo in Philadelphia this year (May 15-18). A brief...

Date: 03/02/2006

We've finally created a post on the annotations story for XPS. It's over on the XPS blog site. Take...

Date: 02/24/2006

Winhec 2006 is already around the corner. Here is a quick link to the topics coming from the D2...

Date: 02/17/2006

Need to post an entry about the Super Bowl before the week ends. Seattle will win. Steelers are a...

Date: 02/03/2006

We snuck a new whitepaper up on Document Workflows in Windows Vista. The graphic on...

Date: 01/31/2006

The Lyra Conference 2006 Imaging Symposium is underway right now. It's a conference for the printing...

Date: 01/24/2006

My XPS 5-points of light entries are finaly done. Here is a shortcut to all 5 to send to your...

Date: 01/21/2006

Needed to be said - we are on our way to the Super Bowl!

Date: 01/21/2006

Well it is a new year, and I am still two-parts away from getting my ‘5-points’ series done. In an...

Date: 01/17/2006

Luck was the only factor here. A call by my wife to Target mid-day on Wednesday last week - they had...

Date: 01/13/2006

Yes, un-like the Xbox guys, we have the latest XPS spec available in time for Christmas with...

Date: 12/22/2005
