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.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") for the Rest of Us

The .NET Compiler Platform (code named "Roslyn") is the next generation of the Visual Basic and C# .NET compilers. At BUILD 2014 Roslyn was released as an open source software project and the team is accepting contributions from the community.

In this interview I sit down with Dustin Campbell, a Program Manager on the managed languages team, and we talk about what Roslyn means for a .NET developer like myself. Even if you're not a compiler geek, Roslyn brings a ton of value to anyone writing VB or C# code. By making it much easier for partners to build amazing tools and for language and IDE features to get implemented much faster, developers everywhere will benefit from the faster innovation. Dustin also shows off some of the new IDE features like quick fixes and new refactorings that are available in the Visual Studio "14" CTP.  

For more information on Roslyn and to try it out, see "Installing the Preview" section of the Codeplex site at

Watch: .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") for the Rest of Us
