Infrequent and rambling posts about DeviceEmulator and other things important in my life
Accelerator is a high-level data parallel library which uses parallel processors such as the GPU or...
Date: 06/28/2010
Visit to download the preview build and documentation....
Date: 11/16/2009
Great news! Joel Pobar and Ted Neward have been working on a new edition of the Shared Source CLI...
Date: 08/21/2008
My "hush-hush" project is finally opening up a little! After delving deep into the world of mobile...
Date: 11/07/2007
DeviceEmulator 2.0 adds several new peripheral devices, including notification LED and vibrate. If...
Date: 07/31/2007
Back in October, I left the DeviceEmulator team for a new position in Microsoft Research. The...
Date: 07/27/2007
Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Platform Builder 6.0 SP1 is now available at...
Date: 05/03/2007
Accelerator project - compiling data-parallel programs to graphics processor units (GPUs) and multiprocessors
Back in October, I said farewell to the DeviceEmulator, and joined a new project in Microsoft...
Date: 04/02/2007
The DeviceEmulator team has just released DeviceEmulator 2.0 in all languages that Visual Studio...
Date: 03/20/2007
Anand just posted that Device Emulator V2 is now available as a standalone download...
Date: 03/12/2007
I use a pretty extensive suite of tools as a developer - two IDEs, debuggers, code analysis tools,...
Date: 12/06/2006
Device Emulator V2.0 is finished, and RTMs along with Windows CE 6.0. It's going to be a great...
Date: 10/09/2006
My Channel9 video is up! It's a talk about...
Date: 08/28/2006
Very small! The DeviceEmulator nk.bin can be as small as 1.3mb! With that 1.3mb OS image, you can...
Date: 08/21/2006
One of the great things about the DeviceEmulator is that it runs inside VirtualPC and VirtualServer....
Date: 08/09/2006
Get it here:...
Date: 07/17/2006
Adapt Your App - emulators, guidance, and tools to help keep your apps runniing on the latest device displays
The Adapt Your App Site ( is a...
Date: 06/13/2006
Three quick things can make demos on the DeviceEmulator look much nicer: Enable ClearType. Go to...
Date: 06/13/2006
The DeviceEmulator V2 is significantly faster than the V1 emulator you're used to. Most of the...
Date: 05/23/2006
Using GPS receiver hardware from inside the DeviceEmulator is actually more straightforward than...
Date: 05/22/2006
Have you ever wanted to run a GPS-aware application inside the DeviceEmulator, without using a...
Date: 05/19/2006
Great news! You can now download Windows Mobile 5.0 Messaging and Security Feature Pack OS images...
Date: 05/19/2006
If you do not have Visual Studio 2005 installed, but have Device Emulator OS images you want to try,...
Date: 05/19/2006
The DeviceEmulator 2.0 Community Tech. Preview just went live, at...
Date: 04/24/2006
I'm delighted to be presenting a new talk on the Device Emulator at MEDC2006...
Date: 04/19/2006
If you have downloaded the BSP from...
Date: 03/15/2006
Date: 02/28/2006
I did a talk at the WE-DIG in January, on basics of constructing an emulator in C++. MikeHall's blog...
Date: 02/17/2006
This MSDN article,...
Date: 12/03/2005
I'm looking at implementing a virtual battery in the next DeviceEmulator release. How much control...
Date: 12/01/2005
The best way for apps to detect if they are running on the Device Emulator is to use this snippet of...
Date: 11/04/2005
Michael Swanson has announced via his blog...
Date: 10/31/2005
After our talk on the Device Emulator, a number of people asked me about the phone numbers I used in...
Date: 09/16/2005
If you launch the emulator by hand with savestates enabled (ie. "DeviceEmulator.exe nk.bin /s...
Date: 08/31/2005
If you launch the DeviceEmulator by hand, those instances show up in the Device Emulator Manager in...
Date: 08/31/2005
After spending the past several months helping revamp the way Developer Division authors our...
Date: 08/31/2005