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Copy or move Outlook contacts into Business Contact Manager

If you have been using Outlook to store both types of contacts, you can copy or move your business contacts into Business Contact Manager.

There are two easy ways to move Outlook contacts into BCM contacts.

1. The recommended way is to use Import/Export functionality.

a. Launch the Import/Export by clicking File->Import and Export->Business Contact Manager for Outlook. Select Import File option and click "Next".

b. Select "Outlook Contacts Folder" from the list of option and click "Next". Next screen allows you to choose a different Outlook Contacts folder if you want.

When you click it a new dialog will appear to choose the contact folder:

c. After selecting the folder which has your contacts, click next.

d. Final screen gives information about import process. After clicking next in this screen Import begins.

Your contacts will be copied to Business Contacts. BCM also supports importing reminders, follow up flags and Categories.

2. Other way to move Outlook contacts is to drag and drop contacts into BCM contacts or accounts.

a. Open Outlook contacts.

b. Select contacts you want to move into BCM. Drag and drop them into BCM folder.

Things to remember about Importing

1. If you use Import/Export functionality method then your contacts will be copied to BCM Business Contacts folder. However if you drag and drop they will be moved. If you still want to keep original Outlook contacts you should press CTRL button during drag and drop.

2. Import/Export method copies contacts to Business Contacts folder. If you want to move them into Account folder you should use drag and drop method.

3. If your Outlook contacts have attachments, you’ll get an error in drag and drop method. BCM does not support attachments in comments field. If you use Import/Export functionality contact will get imported, however the attachment will not.

4. BCM does not import journal items attached to Outlook contacts. It imports only the contact itself.