canthe's WebLog
One Microsoftie's postage stamp on the web
So I just finished my presentation on SBS 2003 SP1 and R2 at SMB Nation, and got a lot of great...
Date: 09/10/2005
When last we left our intrepid SBS Release Manager, he had been humbled at the all mighty task of...
Date: 08/26/2005
To help us pinpoint the root issue with reports of Dell servers getting a BSOD when installing...
Date: 07/06/2005
When last we left our intrepid release manager, we had a Bill of Materials for all of our SKUs. Now...
Date: 07/02/2005
On Thursday I sent mail to the entire SBS development team announcing that we have now officially...
Date: 07/02/2005
While I'm here I just thought I would mention that we've now released SBS SP1 in 16 of the 18...
Date: 06/24/2005
My colleague Sean Daniel reminded me that in SBS SP1, we've enabled a new feature in Exchange SP1 to...
Date: 03/22/2005
Dan asked (a long time ago, sorry Dan) that he was getting notifications of accounts being locked...
Date: 03/21/2005
I often get the complaint that I don't post to my blog often enough. (Somehow Eugene even mentioned...
Date: 02/10/2005
Here's your chance to talk to Bob Muglia (or just Bob as we know him), VP of Windows Server (which...
Date: 01/06/2005
Someone asked whether I had any experience with SBS and using a dynamic DNS provider (such as TZO or...
Date: 01/06/2005
Some people have been asking where the hell I've been. Well, life got a little busy. The short short...
Date: 10/20/2004
Someone made the excellent point that the Messenger service that SBS uses to notify users of a...
Date: 07/21/2004
Peaboy asked what I think about the Flyers draft options. Just as an FYI to everyone: - I grew up in...
Date: 07/19/2004
Deep 7 posted asking why it is that SBS shuts down the server "without warning" when we detect that...
Date: 07/19/2004
That was kind of weird - my last post didn't have my ending comments. What I meant to add in was...
Date: 07/16/2004
The SBS Exchange SP1 QFE is now online and available at...
Date: 07/13/2004
In recent days, I've posted about the issue with Exchange SP1 and SBS. (Susan copied it excellently...
Date: 06/21/2004
Several people have posted back saying they are having issues with alerts from store.exe after...
Date: 06/09/2004
2 things: 1. I challenged someone to tell me the 18 languages that SBS ships in. I realized 10...
Date: 05/28/2004
So even now I'm not sure what else to post up here - SBS 2003 is established pretty well in the...
Date: 05/27/2004
Some of the SBS MVPs suggested I start a blog. It's actually something I've thought about doing for...
Date: 04/13/2004