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CCR tips and tricks - summary

So it turned out to be an advent calendar in the middle of the summer... Here is an overview:

1, 2, 24, 25 - writing unit tests for CCR
3, 4, 21 - causalities
5 - SuccessFailure ports
6 - CCR APIs
7 - 4 ways to receive
8 - scatter gather
9, 10 - yielding on the right thing
11 - result ports
12 - problems when reusing ports
13 - Receive with no handler
14 - calling asynchronous APIs from CCR
15, 16 - calling synchronous APIs from CCR
17 - abort port
18 - exclusive handlers
19, 20 - throttling events
22, 23 - adding timeouts to receiver tasks

I'm sure there will be more tips and tricks for CCR in the future.