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Task-based Asynchronous Pattern - WaitAsync

Recently I was asked about a specific scenario when some code was being converted into using TAP and this was code that already used tasks. Since the existing code used the "IsFaulted" property a lot I came up with this little extension method making it easy to see if a task failed or not using the await keyword but without adding a lot of exception handling.

  1: public static Task<bool> WaitAsync(this Task task)
 2: {
 3:     var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
 4:     task.ContinueWith(
 5:         t => tcs.TrySetResult(!(t.IsFaulted || t.IsCanceled)));
 6:     return tcs.Task;
 7: }

So why avoid exceptions? Well I think that is a separate topic but a few short observations; exceptions have some performance penalties so you don't want to use them for common errors and some people think exceptions make it harder to follow the flow of the code. Whatever you think about all that I think you'll find the WaitAsync method useful more or less often.