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Chris Smith's completely unique view

Algorithms, functional programming, CLR 4.0, and of course, F#!

The Good News You might have heard, Visual Studio 2010 is done, launched, and out the door! That’s...

Date: 04/13/2010

Hi, I’m Chris Smith. You might know me as the world famous author of Programming F#, but outside of...

Date: 03/18/2010

Hot on the heels of the Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate comes the February, 2010 F# CTP. There...

Date: 02/11/2010

I've gotten a few requests recently for the source code of the examples in Programming F#. I've...

Date: 11/23/2009

The ‘F’ in F# stands for fun. However, there are some details in F# that might lead to bugs,...

Date: 11/09/2009

In my previous post I went over the theory behind the ID3 algorithm. Now that we got all that...

Date: 11/02/2009

Programming F# is out! Meaning you can, and should, go to the store and pick up a copy today. With...

Date: 10/31/2009

Recently legendary Cambridge research Don Syme presented an Introduction to F# at JAOO Aarhus in...

Date: 10/15/2009

Recently a friend came to me in a mild panic about some massive refactoring he needed to do to an F#...

Date: 09/14/2009

I know it’s cliché to blog about blogging, but I’d like to take this opportunity to explain why...

Date: 08/20/2009

Episode 24: Chatting about F# with Chris Smith and Dustin Campbell “Get your code on!” Being the...

Date: 01/15/2009

Evidently Microsoft ninjaed a new assembly into the .NET framework with the 3.0 release called...

Date: 12/31/2008

Sorry for not being as regular with blogging, I've been sick and working hard on something pretty...

Date: 12/09/2008

Below is a primitive implementation of ROT13 / Ceasar Cipher in F#. In short it is a simple...

Date: 11/07/2008

At the PDC I spent about eight hours a day for a full week answering the same question again and...

Date: 11/01/2008

I’d like to announce that for the past few months I’ve been secretly working on a book for O’Reilly...

Date: 10/19/2008

When pattern matching it is easy to forget that you are capturing a new value instead of matching...

Date: 10/03/2008

It’s easy to lose track of important data when logging output to the console window, fortunately you...

Date: 10/01/2008

Edit: Added a ‘comarg’ function to dramatically clean up the syntax for doing COM-interop, since F#...

Date: 09/23/2008

This post is entirely devoted to shameless plugs and ‘Me Too’ blogging.   The Stack Overflow...

Date: 09/18/2008

A few weeks ago Dr. Jon Harrop published F# for Scientists and I had the fortune of snagging a copy...

Date: 09/16/2008

The thing you hear most about F# is that it is multi-paradigm, meaning that you can use it to code...

Date: 09/12/2008

While I am thrilled about all the new features we've put into the F# CTP, perhaps the thing I'm most...

Date: 09/09/2008

With the F# CTP out the door, let’s take a look at what it can do. Ryan Cavanaugh, not the famous...

Date: 09/04/2008

If you’ve used Visual Studio for a few years you’ve probably memorized all the shortcuts and methods...

Date: 09/02/2008

Wow, what a busy week! The F# CTP is out the door, and it's already making reverberations around the...

Date: 08/31/2008

You may have heard of Tail Recursion before, in fact, you may have even written tail recursive...

Date: 08/07/2008

In case you didn’t see it over on Brian’s blog, he’s posted a sneak peak at the F# Project System:...

Date: 07/28/2008

As far as elite programming contests go, I thought the only one around was the ACM-ICP. (The ACM...

Date: 07/14/2008

Minor update: spelling Lists represent the backbone of functional programming and in order to be an...

Date: 07/10/2008

Matthew Podwysocki finished putting together a DSL for unit testing. I imagine this only scratches...

Date: 06/22/2008
