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Upgrading all TFS servers to TFS 2010

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The information in this entry applies to project coordinators and developers that are using TFS with the Team Explorer client. If you are using Mercurial or a Subversion client, then nothing will change for you.

During the upcoming weeks we will be migrating all of the CodePlex TFS projects onto our new TFS 2010 servers. This upgrade will allow us to support new TFS features and provide increased server performance and reliability. The move will happen on a server by server basis, so expect each TFS server (TFS01 to TFS10) to be down for a few hours as data is migrated. Updates on when each server will be offline and an estimate on when they will be back online will be posted on our system outage page.

As part of this migration, the URL of your TFS server will change and this will require you to update your projects source control bindings. After your project has moved, instructions on how to connect with Team Explorer to the new TFS server can be found on the source control tab of your project under “Source Control Setup”. If you need help updating your source control bindings, you can view our detailed instructions online. Additionally, if you connect to your project using Visual Studio Team Explorer 2005, you will need to install the 2005 forward compatibility pack. If you connect using Team Explorer 2008, you will need to install the 2008 forward compatibility pack.

Finally, the TFS 2010 upgrade process checks two build templates files into your project under \BuildProcessTemplates. These templates can be removed safely as we currently do not support TF build.