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Workspace Version

We're having something of a debate about the use and precise meaning of the tem "workspace version". I'm interested in what people's reaction to the term is. As before, TF commands are in bold, and output from the server is in italics (and may not be verbatim accurate).

Let's say I created a versioned file called foo.txt:

echo foo > foo.txt
h add foo.txt
h checkin /i

(Interesting output from server)
add foo.txt
Changeset #3 checked in.

h edit foo.txt
echo BAR >> foo.txt
h checkin /i

(Interesting output from server)
edit foo.txt
Changeset #4 checked in.

h get foo.txt;C3     (Note: ";C3" specifies foo.txt as of Changeset 3, equivalent to foo.txt /version:C3)
h edit foo.txt

(Interesting output from server)
Warning foo.txt:
Newer version exists in repository

echo HMMM >> foo.txt
h view foo.txt;W /console    (Note: ";W" specifies the 'workspace version', equivalent to foo.txt /version:W)

What do you think the output of h view is?

a. foo

b. foo   BAR

c. foo   HMMM

d. foo   BAR   HMMM

Also, what do you think the output of h view SHOULD be? Or, to ask the question I'm really interested in, what does the term "workspace version" mean to you?

Disclaimer: I realize the data/answers I get here are highly unscientific. I'm just curious, I'm not conducting a formal study or anything :)