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There Are Two Things In This World I Won't Break!

Yes, yes...

I said that if I received 50 comments to this post:

Optimus Prime @ The CRM 4 Launch-- Could Be!

That I would follow through, and wear an adult sized costume to the CRM 4 launch...



Now, I've also been working with the creative collective in Melbourne (Shanemo and Nigel), and we've come up with a strategy so that we can segue from Launch to Optimus Prime without getting into too much trouble.

So, I'm going to prepare a demo, showing how Optimus could better manage his Autobots' day to day activities with CRM 4! I can see him now, working away at night, cursing that Streetwise is off again on annual leave to party in Cancun!

See you at launch!

Technorati tags: CRM Launch, Transformers