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[Windbg Script] Digging the Call Stack

Windbg has a lot of commands and command variations, so sometimes you may forget some of them, like when you need to dig a call stack to extract more information. Or maybe you remember the commands to get the call stack details, but you need to make sure you get the entire stack. Or yet you may want a way to quickly dig the stack and get information first from the frames and then from the local variables without spending too much time typing commands or using the arrow keys.

If you see yourself in one of these scenarios, this script is for you!

This script enables you to quickly get the following information from the call stack:

- ANSI strings.

- Unicode strings.

- Symbols.

- Pointer references.

- Local variables by frames. (requires private symbols)

The interface is very simple and probably not so beautiful. Be glad I’m not part of the Windows GUI team. J

These are two screenshots to give you an idea:

Source code - DIG_STACK.TXT:


$$ =============================================================================

$$ Dig information from the current call stack:

$$ - Unicode Strings

$$ - ANSI Strings

$$ - Symbols

$$ - Pointer references

$$ - Local variables by frames


$$ Compatibility: Win32, should work on Win64.


$$ Usage: $$>< to run the script.


$$ If necessary change the filename below to include your path and filename.

$$ By default it uses the WinDbg path and the default file name is DIG_STACK.TXT


$$ Roberto Alexis Farah

$$ Blog:


$$ All my scripts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confer no rights.

$$ =============================================================================




as ${/v:ScriptName} MYSCRIPTS\\DIG_STACK.txt




.printf /D "<link cmd=\"dpu @$csp poi(@$teb+0x4);ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Unicode Strings</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"dpa @$csp poi(@$teb+0x4);ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>ANSI Strings</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"dps @$csp poi(@$teb+0x4);ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Symbols</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"dpp @$csp poi(@$teb+0x4);ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Pointer References</b></link>\n\n"

.printf /D "<link cmd=\"kpM 2000;ad ${/v:ScriptName}; $$><${ScriptName}\"><b>Local Variables by Frames</b></link>\n"


$$ ===========================================================================



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