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Why (good) Xml is much better than plain text

There are many reasons, sure, and probably there are also reasons why plain text files can be better, but I would like to remark just only one reason, just because I fighting with it right now:

Xml is human readable

Or at least, it should be.

I’m dealing with the HL7 standard for healthcare. HL7 files are text files with some strange delimiters such ^ and |. Luckily we can use the BizTalk HL7 Accelerator, that allow us to abstract from the HL7 details.

A sample of an HL7 file:




Where is the Patient Name? is “the substring between the fifth and the sixth | (pipe), in the third line (the line starting with PID). And remember, spaces are represented as ^(strange little hat)

The HL7 Accelerator comes with Xsd schemas to map these flat files. A sample message type ADT A04 (the above) looks something like this (just a small piece):

<ns0:ADT_A04_22_GLO_DEF xmlns:ns0="">

we still deal with HL7 codes and semantic structure, but it’s much easier to work the Patient Name. It's located in “the FamilyName element under PatientIdentification” :-)