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ODF workshop in Redmond

We had our ODF workshop today in Redmond, and it was a busy day full of interesting conversation with a great bunch of people. We had the architects of our ODF implementation at the event, and they demonstrated various functionality for the attendees, then we had an engaging roundtable discussion followed by hands-on lab time so that everybody could try out a very early (pre-alpha) build of Office 2007 SP2.

It was great to have a chance to share our thinking with this group and get their feedback. I just got back from the dinner afterward, and don't have time to post much tonight, but I believe several of the attendees will be blogging about the event. Jesper Lund Stocholm and John Head each did brief posts from the workshop this afternoon, and I expect to see more from them and others in the days ahead.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to participate. It was extremely productive, and we really appreciate your feedback and taking the time to attend.