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MCSD Certification

I passed the 70-300 Exam - Solution Architecture.  The exam is too easy.  Without giving away details about the test, just trust me that it is little more than a reading comprehension test.

All MCS Consultants are required to take these tests.  I pulled my "transcript" the other day.  It showed that I have taken (passed) 26 exams in my 9 years with MCS.

I have noticed that there does not seem to be many developers who take certs seriously anymore.  At one time partners paid their consultants bonuses for passing exams and getting certified.  But anymore, I rarely meet customers or partner developers who bother taking the exams.  Another indicator of their popularity are by looking at resumes and devs that we interview.  I rarely see MCSD/MCAD on resumes.  Is it just my skewed view of the world - are the MCSD/MCAD on the decline? 

I have one more test - C# Web Forms.  I'm taking it on Monday.  This should be my last exam for another few years when the rewrite the tests again.