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HTML5 DevCamp Training: Content Available

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We just had a very successful HTML5 DevCamp in Los Angeles, CA with 155 attendees (reached the max room capacity).  We have to turn away a few people due to the max occupancy restriction and I apologize for this inconvenience and hope you can join us on 4/20 in Irvine, CA.   All of you are so well prepared. Thanks for all of you to make our WebCamps so successful!

Per your request, I am posting all the presentation, demo, labs and resources here so you keep it as a reference and share with your colleagues and friends.

I will use the agenda as a map to post the content:


Some of you would like to know where you can take a look the cool HTML5 demo on IE9 and here you go:

Real life HTML5 Demo

Resources for you to get started with HTML5 development:
