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Dependent request filter for Web tests

A pretty common need when you are testing your web application is to filter out certain types of dependent requests. For example, if a page you are testing has an ad in it from an external site, you may not want to hit that site in your load tests.

Here is a simple WebTestPlugin that will allow you to filter any dependents that start with a particular string, so you can then easily filter all dependents that go to a particular external site.

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting;

namespace SampleWebTestRules


    public class WebTestDependentFilter : WebTestPlugin


        string m_startsWith;

        public string FilterDependentRequestsThatStartWith


            get { return m_startsWith; }

            set { m_startsWith = value; }


        public override void PostRequest(object sender, PostRequestEventArgs e)


            WebTestRequestCollection depsToRemove = new WebTestRequestCollection();

     // Note, you can't modify the collection inside a foreach, hence the second collection

            // requests to remove.

            foreach (WebTestRequest r in e.Request.DependentRequests)


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterDependentRequestsThatStartWith) &&






            foreach (WebTestRequest r in depsToRemove)







