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Update on Coded UI Test support for Silverlight

The blog is last updated on July 14th, 2010.

For latest on "Coded UI Test support for Silverlight", please refer here.

For latest on "Platform support matrix for Coded UI Test", please refer here.

Whenever we talk about platform coverage for UI automation one of the frequent requests is support for Silverlight app testing. We have been hard at work trying to cater to this need and I wanted to update you all on where we are with this effort and provide a roadmap.

We are working on adding support for Silverlight controls for “Fast forward for manual testing” and “Coded UI Test”. The focus is on line-of-business applications built with Silverlight 4 for both in-browser and on the desktop. The initial investigation is in progress and we are working with the Silverlight team to close on the overall design. We are planning to release a CTP version of a plugin around Q2CY2010. This will be delivered out of band to active MSDN subscribers (Test Professional, Premium or Ultimate) only.

We are establishing the final release timeline and will let you know of that in one of my future updates.