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Shout out from Tech-Ed Developer 2008

I’m at Tech-Ed in Orlando this week talking about Windows Mobile. It’s a pretty amazing event in size and scope. This week is all about developers and they are EVERYWHERE...over 6000 of them. At Microsoft, we're covering just about every MS dev technology you can image (new products abound) and most importantly, having a lot of fun while we’re at it.


Bill G kicked things off with a farewell keynote on Monday morning. For those of you wondering what his job transition and last day might look like, check out this video. =)

More than anything else, I think the best part is getting to meet so many of the people that define the Windows Mobile Dev Community. You are one of them.


If you get a chance, come by and say “Hi”. I’ll be working the Windows Mobile area off and on most of the week. I’ll also be doing two Interactive Theater Sessions:




Dev Conference


Shorten Your Mobile Development Cycle Session Day/Time: 6/5/2008 8:30AM-9:45AM


Dev Conference


Windows Mobile Application Deployment for Developers Session Day/Time: 6/6/2008 1:00PM-2:15PM

