Hong Gao 's Web Log :
A forum to discuss Visual Studio setup / install related issue
I delivered two talks. Intro to Microsoft Local Search. This was my first time of presenting in...
Date: 11/08/2006
Session Notes Session 1 - B2B Search Engines This session has the B2B search engine representatives...
Date: 11/08/2006
It has been nearly one year since I moved from Visual Studio team to Windows Live Local Search team....
Date: 11/08/2006
Today is still the pre-conference day which means I may still have trouble to get in (Microsoft puts...
Date: 09/13/2005
I am very excited about PDC05. I arrived LA on Sat night. I heard PDC usually generates a lot of...
Date: 09/12/2005
I could not help to share this great news from Brian Keller with you. Microsoft issued a joint press...
Date: 09/05/2005
Microsoft is now planning the next wave of its development tools and platforms. We acknowledge the...
Date: 08/29/2005
Please see Aaron's blog at https://blogs.msdn.com/astebner/archive/2005/04/08/406671.aspx
Date: 08/10/2005
Sometimes the VS component may not appear in the add/remove program list, but VS setup thinks it is...
Date: 07/31/2005
We have VS 2005 uninstall tool here. This tool is to help automating the VS 2005 uninstall...
Date: 07/31/2005
If you decide to manually uninstall without using the tool, be sure to uninstall the .NET Framework...
Date: 07/29/2005
We released Beta 2 Visual Studio Express products 6 weeks ago. We have been listening to your...
Date: 06/12/2005
Will you be interested in the technology that could potentially save $$$ and speed our download,...
Date: 06/10/2005
Product Name URL VB Express Bootstrapper...
Date: 04/19/2005
Uninstalling Visual Studio Team Suite, Visual Studio Standard or Visual Studio Professional Editions
If you have installed previous versions of Visual Studio 2005, such as Beta 1 or Community Technical...
Date: 04/15/2005
If you have installed previous versions of Visual Studio 2005, such as Beta 1 or Community Technical...
Date: 04/15/2005
You MUST visit the official uninstall instructions found at the Express download site before...
Date: 04/15/2005