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Windows Embedded Compact 7 Setup Public CTP

It has been over a year since I joined the Windows Embedded Compact team. When I started I was assured I would have my work cut out for me. Customers had informed us that the current setup was, to be nice, out of date. After diving into the Windows CE 6.0 installation and QFE process, I realized that I was in for a lot of work.

During this time I worked closely with the Windows Installer XML (WiX) Toolset Community to ensure that the installation I was to build would make it more than a couple of months out the door! I spoke with many of the members of the community and used some of the early forms of the Burn project to make it to this point. The architecture allowed us to create, what I affectionately call, the business layer to drive the Burn engine.

If you have installed or will install the new Windows Embedded Compact 7 Public CTP I am interested in knowing how your installation experience went!
