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Forums Reputation Phase 3 - Community Ownership

On for the next part of phase 3 of the forums reputation system...


It's not Microsoft's community...

…it’s yours. So, as a community, it should be possible to do all of the same things I’m able to do in my site administration tool. Through a voting process available only to users with a certain level of reputation or higher, it should be possible to ban users, approve users for new levels of moderation rights, nominate MVPs, and even recommend new forums for creation. If the forums and other community channels are built for the customers, why be afraid to give up control to the customers? If five or more people recommend that a user should be banned for spamming within 12 hours—shouldn’t they be banned? If a group of MVPs think that there’s a member of the forums that should really be an MVP—why shouldn’t they be able to nominate users themselves?