Joe Stagner - Frustrated by Design !

Who me ? Opinionated ? :)

It's getting close!!!!!! The nature of software development is radically changing. At PDC2008 Ray...

Date: 09/25/2008

Rob Bagby is in the midst of a blog series on REST in WCF and been building a series of screencasts...

Date: 09/19/2008

Website Optimization: Speed, Search Engine & Conversion Rate Secrets: Andrew King: BooksISBN:...

Date: 09/03/2008

I'm working on my demos for ZendCon and updating a PHP Chat application built on the Microsoft Ajax...

Date: 09/03/2008

So there is this very smart guy on the ASP.NET team named David Hunter who is one of the guys...

Date: 09/03/2008

The Deep Fried Bytes guys caught  up with me at DevLink and we had a talk about developer...

Date: 09/02/2008

What's wrong with this picture ?

Date: 09/02/2008

9:00AM PST - Virtually live from Ireland:) Click HERE for more...

Date: 09/01/2008

Christian Wenz has pushed a new release of he PHP libraries for the Microsoft AJAX libraries with...

Date: 09/01/2008

Note that the IIS component list of items to install is EMPTY !!! And, I WAS running as Admin ! The...

Date: 08/29/2008

Murach's ASP.NET 3.5 Web Programming with VB 2008: Anne Boehm: BooksISBN: 1890774472ISBN-13:...

Date: 08/28/2008

I go to ALOT of developer events. Usually, they are work - meaning I probably wouldn't go if I were...

Date: 08/28/2008

Data Structures and Algorithms: Annotated Reference with Examples This book written by Granville...

Date: 08/28/2008

I was chatting with Billy Hollis about how we often use new technology to do the same old thing and...

Date: 08/26/2008

Kentico CMS Free Edition Since the free license for .NET User Groups was very successful, we decided...

Date: 08/15/2008

A couple of folks have emailed me because that haven't been able to reconstitute the Video Database...

Date: 08/15/2008

The Slackers have been busy ! Check out the Open Source project on CodePlex....

Date: 08/14/2008

There is a reason they call me the Misfit Geek :) I've been doing PHP work for almost 10 years and...

Date: 08/14/2008

  Yesterday my wife and my children left the house and my 6 year old asked where they were...

Date: 08/12/2008

60 Free controls are available from DevExpress. Some for ASP.NET and some for Windows Forms. Check...

Date: 08/11/2008

The first three videos are live. #1 | Data Access Layers in ASP.NET Applications #2 | How to...

Date: 08/10/2008

#8 | Changing Membership Settings in the Default Membership Schema #9 | Configuring SQL To Work with...

Date: 08/10/2008

Lots, even MOST PHP applications are Open Souce but what if you want to distribute your application...

Date: 08/01/2008

Mike Taulty recently uploaded and amazing collection of Silverlight 2.0 screencasts on how...

Date: 08/01/2008

Deitel books are great learning tools and often used as course text or soup to nuts learning guides....

Date: 07/30/2008

Not really "new" news but I stumbled across this while trying to figure out why Twitter...

Date: 07/29/2008

Version 1.0 of the SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP is available for download on the MSDN download...

Date: 07/29/2008

Next week I have a week full of meetings on things like. The Next Version of Web Forms Dynamic Data...

Date: 07/28/2008

The GPL dudes have invented a new Operating System. WINDOWS :) - I...

Date: 07/23/2008

We're very happy to announce that the first preview for the new Ajax features in ASP.NET just went...

Date: 07/21/2008

Dolores Labs posted recently "Amazon’s S3 Web Service, our #1 cause of failure" [...

Date: 07/21/2008

Dies UAC give you a rash ? It does me !!! It's not that it isn't a good idea - it is. But I really...

Date: 07/18/2008

Microsoft folks are very enthusiastic ! We love to dig in to new technology and show off the cool...

Date: 07/18/2008

Please checkout the first videos in my new Web Developer's Security Video Series....

Date: 07/18/2008

  For many years I've had an interest in and a focus on Application Security. Now, I'll be...

Date: 07/18/2008

Spring is ugly in my job. From early March until late June I'm on the road. Conferences, Meetings,...

Date: 07/16/2008

T Check out this 2 day security brain fest. It happens to be right after Black Hat in Vegas. See you...

Date: 07/15/2008

From - According to the Broadband Report, as of last March 57% of U.S....

Date: 07/11/2008

It's finally hitting the street - "Advanced ASP.NET Ajax Server Controls" I had the...

Date: 07/08/2008

Check out the New features in BlogEngine.NET 1.4 New database provider BlogEngine.NET now works with...

Date: 07/07/2008

That's there motto anyway. It's actually a very interesting product from my friends at ArtinSoft....

Date: 07/01/2008

While in Chicago to speak at PHP | Tek, I got to do a Podcast (in a bar) with on of the The Thirsty...

Date: 06/27/2008

I got an email last night from Eduardo. Eduardo "Love's VB.NET", but is concerned about...

Date: 06/27/2008

Most people haven't had a chance to play with Microsoft Surface. It's one of the coolest...

Date: 06/26/2008

While at TechEd 2008 I got to spend some time in the "Fish Bowl" with Georgeo...

Date: 06/25/2008

ComponentArt releases Charting 2008.1, introducing advanced AJAX interactivity, dual 3D rendering...

Date: 06/25/2008

.msocomanchor { background: infobackground } .msocomoff { display: none } .msocomtxt { visibility:...

Date: 06/24/2008

Since most of us Geeks are caffeine addicts...... "Coffee consumption has been linked to...

Date: 06/24/2008
