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I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks, and so is my blog!

I am so excited about my vacation on August 1st to August 17th. Since I will be on some beach in Thailand, it'll be unlikely that I'll be blogging or answering emails. I didn't annouce my vacation plans in June when I left and received some emails on why I haven't posted in a while. So this time, I am letting you all know well ahead of time! :)

However, before I go, on Monday July 31st, I'll probably be at Lang.Net Symposium with a bunch of BCL folks. If you guys are planning to go there, and have specific BCL questions, please let me know. I will try my best to answer them at the conference.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, they will continue to have the open Q&A session, but unfortunately since I will be stuck on a 14 hour plane trip to South East Asia, I probably wont be able to make it. :P