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If you live in the US, don’t forget to vote today

It’s a really big deal, regardless of your political persuasion.


Already the MSFT internal mailing lists have been filled with people asking “how long are the lines at my polling place”.  The good news is that the times appear to be pretty good – people seem to be getting in and out in very little time (at least in the town in which I live).


For people living in King and Pierce counties in Washington State, this will be the last time that they will vote in person.  The rest of the state already votes entirely by mail, and starting next year, both counties will also switch to vote-by-mail.


The state of Oregon has already switched to a 100% vote-by-mail system, with the switchover in King and Pierce counties, Washington state will join Oregon in eliminating the ballot box.


Valorie and I have been voting absentee for about 5 years now, personally I like it – by voting at home, we have the opportunity to scope out the candidates at our leisure.  That in turn means that we’re going to vote more accurately.


So if you live in the US, please, PLEASE vote today.