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Usage Analysis Processing logs

Here is a simple utility I wrote to process the MOSS usage logs (when turned on at Central Administration >> Operations >> Usage Analysis Processing ). Sometimes it's useful to have alternate source for the user activity, than the usage reports offered in MOSS OOB through the Site Settings.

I have slightly modified the Parser class found at . The MOSSLogParser.exe utility loops through all log files and creates a single CSV file, ready for Excel pivot tables.

the syntax: MOSSLogParser.exe <start_path> <search_pattern>

  • start_path - path to the folder where logs files are defined. The parser will look down, traversing sub-folder structure. Default value is: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\Logs" Note the absense of ending slash
  • search_pattern - the pattern used to filter the logs. Default value is "0*.log"


  • MOSSLogParser.exe
  • MOSSLogParser.exe \\share\logs
  • MOSSLogParser.exe E:\usage "*.log"

