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An Open Platform?

Our mantra for designing the Live Mesh platform has been "comprehensive, simple, open."  We've released two more Channel 9 videos this week to show what we mean.

As far as comprehensive goes, check out Ori Amiga's video showing off some sample apps and a peak at how the platform works under the covers.  Clients and services, online and offline, files and's a pretty impressive set of demos to give some weight to our comprehensive claim.

When it comes to open and simple, you can see some of that in the demo where Ori browses through the resource model, starting around 11:40.  You see a RESTful model, you see feeds, you see ATOM, JSON and other formats, and you see FeedSync.  Which brings us to...another channel 9 video!

We got Steven Lees, one of the guys behind the FeedSync v1.0 spec, to sit down with the developer who built the Live Mesh client runtime that consumes/publishes FeedSync, plus the PM and dev who built the corresponding Live Mesh cloud storage service.  Have a look here.

Using FeedSync as the basis for synchronization is a key to making the platform open and accessible.  It was developed with community feedback, and is covered by Creative Commons ShareAlike and Microsoft Open Specification Promise.  Which enables folks to work on projects like Mesh4x.


- Jeremy Mazner

Program Manager (and blog oversight guy), Live Mesh

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