LuisBE on Services

A blog maintained by Luis Bitencourt-Emilio (LuisBE) and geared toward Excel Services programmability and solutions. Focused on the v1 of Excel Services in Office 2007, and the ongoing planning of v2 in Office 14.

Please check out David's post for links to the fixes....

Date: 10/10/2007

This same calculation issue affects Excel Services, and is being addressed concurrently....

Date: 09/26/2007

Dear Friends and Family, I recently accepted the challenge to raise funds to support the JDRF...

Date: 05/11/2007

The Excel services team is looking for companies that are using Excel services and are willing to...

Date: 05/10/2007

Another one of our prolific Excel Services testers has started up a blog here:...

Date: 05/01/2007

Microsoft Office is looking for talented developers to work on cutting edge web-based technologies...

Date: 04/04/2007

Technet now has some interesting tutorials for Excel Services. Check them out at...

Date: 03/13/2007

From yours truly: Summary: Optimize version 1 of the Excel Services programmability framework to...

Date: 02/06/2007

As I alluded to earlier, one way to overcome the limitation that array formulas do not dynamically...

Date: 02/01/2007

One of the coolest (only?) SharePoint external data features is the Business Data Catalog (BDC). The...

Date: 01/31/2007

Here are a few books being worked on about Excel Services:...

Date: 01/11/2007

MSDN has created a forum for Excel Services related discussion, you can find it at:...

Date: 01/09/2007

<UPDATE: Reworded the post to stay away from any legal issues :o) > We are currently working...

Date: 01/09/2007

As you have noticed, many of my samples below use an Array Formula in Excel to retrieve an array of...

Date: 01/09/2007

As you may or may not know by now, one of the limitations in this version of Excel Services is the...

Date: 12/11/2006

If you played around with the post on using UDFs to write to SQL databases, you probably ended up...

Date: 11/09/2006

There are many reasons why writing straight to a SQL database is a desirable feature on a server....

Date: 11/09/2006

Last Friday was the ship party for a Office 2007. Since this was such a monumental release of...

Date: 11/06/2006

This will be a quickie. I mentioned the EwaGetSessionId(id) function on my earlier post and didn't...

Date: 10/27/2006

Every time you open a workbook in Excel Services you are actually creating your own instance of that...

Date: 10/27/2006

We're getting pretty darn close to shipping and I haven't gotten much of a chance to write up some...

Date: 10/19/2006

As you may have noticed if you have started to play around with Excel Services, the XLViewer.aspx...

Date: 10/19/2006

<UPDATE: New CS file attached with a minor bug fix and some major code reduction since I found...

Date: 09/29/2006

Excel Services UDFs are generally run under the credentials of the service account used by the...

Date: 09/29/2006

Instead of re-hashing information I've found elsewhere I figured a pre-reqs post would be good. One...

Date: 09/29/2006

I was never big on the whole blogging thing, but I finally convinced myself once I started seeing...

Date: 09/29/2006