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Building a Community That Builds...

The ideal scenario, IMHO, of a partner community is where the partners themselves are involved in building the marketing and communications vehicles that they will use.

So, when I see a glimmer of hope, I am PUMPED UP.

Example #1.

Fredrik read my post about the WIN Webcast and offered up a comment:

"Why don't you post the Q and A so that we can see them afterwards?"

A great idea and one that just wouldn't have occurred to me. PLUS, validation that by putting *stuff* out there, partners will respond. Here's the link:

Example #2

I called the 3 partners from each of the 2 WIN (What's Important Now) Webcasts last week who gave me the lowest overall scores. I wanted their feedback.

John of Bell Industries answered the request.

"You know," he said, "it'd be great if you could calibrate the level of the presentation to the types of AER's (Authorized Education Resellers) on your call. You could ask a few profiling questions."

"John, I know partners and I know marketing, but I don't know anything about AER's. Will you write down the poll questions and I'll give you naming rights?"

And he's doing exactly that.

Partners actually participating in the creation of the marketing engine and the community that supports it.

Just phenomenal!