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A Planter or Trebuchet Ammunition…Top Ten Things You Want to Ask the Operations Team

We were sitting around a the hulk of a cold, dead server one night; one of those old quad 700’s; trying to determine if we should turn it in a planter or use it as a projectile to launch from a Trebuchet  <a real Venus or Mars moment> when the discussion turned into what should this blog conjure up next. Should it be a place where you get used to logging into to get an answer to your specific questions, or a site to find out just what the heck we are up to, or maybe how our ASP.Net 2.0 deplolyment is going? Well, we want to give everyone an opportunity to chime in…it only takes a second so here goes…WHAT THE HECK DO YOU WANT TO ASK MICROSOFT.COM OPERATIONS?


Specific questions are always welcomed, but more importantly, what are the TOP 10 TOPICS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN? We know that scripting is high on your list, my stars, anyone with more than five servers to manage can benefit from scripting…and by the way, we cover scripting extensively in the Nov/Dec issue of TechNet Magazine…but what else really blows YOUR hair back?


We’ve got our ideas, and will be chewing the fat with you about them...things like What Does “Scalability” Actually Mean, or Security for Web Farms, or the Importance of a Crash Dump…but what better way to find out what interests you than to… <drum roll> actually ask you?


So we are. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 10 TOPICS OF DISCUSSION? Let us know and we'll post the results and then try and crawl under the hood and give you some of our insights.