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Evaluations, Evaluations, Evaluations = Winners, Winners, Winners

Each month, we draw randomly ten evaluations accross the different programs and for the chance to win a Portable Media Center(I was just looking at one and they're pretty sweet too.). Ok, back to business... so this month MSDN webcasts had a STRONG showing. Please see the winners below.

Name State Program
Parthasarathy Mandayam Oregon MSDN
Jeff Mastry South Carolina MSDN
Information Techonology Department - Iowa Veterans Home Iowa MSDN
Taura Perrin Michigan Microsoft Business Solutions
Arthur Knesbach Texas Microsoft Business Solutions
Guy Cosentino New York Microsoft Security
K. Lee California Microsoft Security
GALL FIELDING Illinois Small Business
Jimm Quigley Pennsylvania TechNet

( Bryan Baker , filling in for GeorgeoP)