OneNote Tips & Tricks

My name is Jeff Cardon. I'm a member of the Microsoft OneNote team and I'd like to share some of the tips and tricks that are available in this fantastic product. This blog is intended to showcase the simple, and sometimes not completely obvious, f

How easy is it to take notes in OneNote?  Simple, just run OneNote and start taking notes,...

Date: 12/30/2011

One of the new features added in OneNote 2010 is the ability to manage DRM (Digital Rights...

Date: 01/20/2011

I have heard from a number of readers that you want an updated version of the Template Manager for...

Date: 11/27/2010

For years OneNote’s toughest competitor has been the paper notebook.  It’s versatile, flexible,...

Date: 11/16/2010

One of the new features we've implemented in OneNote 2010 is the ability to use predefined styles....

Date: 10/15/2010

OneNote is a great tool for folks who want to jot down random thoughts or ideas. It’s a tool...

Date: 09/17/2010

We’ve tried to make the act of adding a new page in OneNote simple and easy.  You just click...

Date: 08/27/2010

As mentioned in a previous post, one of the new features introduced in OneNote 2010 is the ability...

Date: 05/14/2010

One of the first things you’ll notice about OneNote 2010 is the lack of the standard menus. You...

Date: 04/29/2010

Here at Microsoft, we’re approaching the tail end of our release cycle.  We’ve been working...

Date: 01/08/2010

Here at OneNote, we’ve been busy working on the next great version of OneNote.  My time has not...

Date: 03/21/2009

If you have a real paper notebook full of notes, how easy is it to find notes you're searching for...

Date: 07/15/2008

Have you ever been taking some notes and wished you had some more space to add a few more notes?...

Date: 07/03/2008

Many of us have become so accustomed to copying and pasting data that it has become second nature to...

Date: 06/20/2008

One of the greatest things about OneNote is its outlining capabilities. It's perhaps the most...

Date: 06/11/2008

OneNote is a great place to take your notes, gather research ideas, or just keep track of personal...

Date: 06/05/2008

I don't know about you, but when I was in college, there were times I wish I could have sent someone...

Date: 05/29/2008

Templates are relatively easy to use and create in OneNote. There are a wide variety of pre-defined...

Date: 05/21/2008

Good news!  Mike Tholfsen, (the OneNote test manager), has decided to start a new blog. ...

Date: 05/19/2008

Before OneNote came along, I would typically attend a meeting, bring a pen, and take lots of notes...

Date: 05/16/2008

In addition to being a great place to store all of your notes and other content, OneNote also serves...

Date: 05/09/2008

A friend of mine recently got a new Tablet PC and decided to show off some of it's cool features. He...

Date: 05/07/2008

Sometimes you won't have time to think about where to put a particular note. For example, suppose...

Date: 05/02/2008

Page tabs are the labels that appear along the right edge of the page. They belong inside of...

Date: 05/01/2008

Sections appear along the top of the page and look similar in shape to the tabs you find on the...

Date: 04/30/2008

So, let's go over some of the basic storage details. Let's start with notebooks. They appear along...

Date: 04/29/2008

So one of the most frequently asked questions we get here at OneNote is "what's the best way to...

Date: 04/28/2008

OneNote's user base has been steadily increasing over the years. So I thought this would be a good...

Date: 04/24/2008