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Social Bookmarking Tags for Windows Live Writer

I am not very good in keeping promises, but this time I will make an exception :) I promised a while ago that I will create a WLW plugin for the Social Bookmarking Tool that would ease the process of creating social bookmarking tags automatically for the blog posts. So, finally... I release this version of Social Bookmarking Tags generator which will be a plugin in Windows Live Writer.


Once you install it, you will need to reopen your WLW, and you should be able to see the following icon in your WLW Insert section...


Click on it, and you should see the following...

The only two things you need to enter are URL and Title. Unfortunately, you won't get it until you publish the blog post using File -> Publish to Weblog in WLW!

So, here are the steps which you need to take now...

1. Compose a blog in WLW, and click on File -> Publish to Weblog
2. Once you publish, you should be able to view your post automatically (ensure that File -> View Post after Publishing is checked). Go back to WLW and point the cursor to the end of the post.
3. Now copy the URL from your browser and click on the Insert Bookmarking Tags link in your WLW
4. Provide URL and Title in the dialog box which comes up and click on Done. You should now be able to see a bunch of icons as shown in the end of this post.
5. Publish again!!

Whenever any visitor likes your blog post, he will be able to click his favorite icon and bookmark your post without any hassles now!

Also, you can get a nice effect when you hover over the links if you modify the stylesheet in your blog site (a one time configuration). Please check this link and see the CSS and Javascript configuration section...

Until next time Wave

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