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Getting Error '8002801d' Library not registered on ASP files

Today I worked on a case where the customer was getting Error '8002801d' Library not registered. The fix for this error was a pretty simple one. Just re-registered the asp.dll

CMD> CD C:\WINDOWS\System32\Inetsrv

CMD> regsvr32 asp.dll

If you get this error, you also won't find the 3.0 folder under HKCR\TypeLib\{D97A6DA0-A85C-11CF-83AE-00A0C90C2BD8}

Interesting facts about IISRESET:

You can refer this article to know what exactly IISRESET do. But today morning, read from my RSS feed reader (I use Windows Live Desktop Mail as my favorite RSS Reader, it is an awesome tool), post from Jimmie. Thanks Jimmie for that post. After that started digging into that. Found some interesting facts about this little command line utility:

  • Creates IUSR_servername and IWAM_servername
  • Adds up all the default security policies for IUSR, IWAM and IIS_WPG alone
  • Creates a new group if not exist (IIS_WPG) (won't add any user names into the group (!))

If you guys know more about this little tool, please email me. You can always use this knowledge base article as a reference to verify the default permissions needed in IIS 6.0. This is an article which resolves most of the problems.

Happy Learning!