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Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000 on Vista to run with Skype...


Microsoft LiveCam NX-6000

As now my notebooks are running on Vista, my old WebCam device was not working due to no support of Vista drivers. So I just need to get a new one. and this is the one I got, Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000.

It attracted me by the slim design, also the lens can be hidden when not use, and can easily docked upon notebook screen without blocking screen area. also the resolution of video can be up to 2 megapixels, and static image can be up to 7.6 metapixels, which is sort of high-ended compared with other webcams.

As it is a certified Vista device, one can just plug the device into a usb port of Vista machine, and windows update will automatically find and install drivers. the initial driver will work with Windows Live Messenger without problems since on the package also stated that it's optimized for live messenger. but when I am trying to use this webcam with Skype, it was kept saying that it can not use the device because other application are using the webcam. the video is not showing at all.

did a search from Google also found some posts about this issue. some posts said that by installing the LiveCam 1.2 driver on the install CD will let the device run on various messengers, so I just installed it and Vista told me that the LiveCam 1.2 driver is not compatible with Vista and need to download the latest driver from Microsoft Hardware site. the latest version of LiveCam right now is version 1.3, the 32bit and 64bit drivers are contained in the same installer.

So I just download it, install it (installing taking some time like 5 mins). and then test NX-6000 with Skype again. It works! so everyting is fine now and I can start using this webcam with various messengers.

The point is , install the latest driver!

Technorati Tags: microsoft , hardwarewebcamskype