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foreach keyword or ForEach extension method?

Is this a question of taste, or something more serious? [Warning: this post won’t change your life J]

I found myself writing the following extension method yet again the other day;

public static void ForEach<T>(

    this IEnumerable<T> source,

    Action<T> action)


    foreach (T item in source)





This means I can write simple (contrived) code like the following;

entities.ForEach<ObjectDefinition>(o => o.DeleteDbRecord());

This will enumerate all my ObjectDefinition objects and call DeleteDbRecord on each. But why didn’t I just write it like this?

foreach (ObjectDefinition o in entities)




I’ve raised this because some code I’ve seen (and written!) has reached a saturation point, where lambdas, extension methods, and other concepts have taken over - meaning the code looks more like it was written in LISP than C#.

But does that matter?

A quick search shows there are all sorts of discussions about this online, which is interesting. It is actually quite an old discussion now!