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Object Relational Mapping Tools for .NET

With ObjectSpaces being delayed I still get many customers asking about where to get ORM tools for .NET. Well I sent this link to a customer yesterday as it has a wide variety of them listed.

However I just don’t think that part of the market is fully baked – several posts between Don [SOAP] Box and Ted Neward show that the debate rages on. We also have some pretty smart people thinking about areas of this at Microsoft.

What are they for: ORM tools help bridge the ‘impedance mismatch’ between relational data and objects. Objects tend to represent a de-normalized view of data where-as a relational system presents a normalized view. There are also a number of fundamental data level issues such as the existence of nullable types in databases and the non-existance of these [well largely at least] in the object world.

Quote of the day: … "object-relational mapping is the Vietnam of Computer Science", referring to exactly that particular problem: the amount of progress when compared to the amount of energy put in is a staggeringly bad ratio…