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How to connect to file-based data sources (Microsoft Access , Microsoft Excel and Text files ) from a 64 bit application


The Issue:

A 64-bit process can load only 64-bit components in it's process boundary. Same is true for a 32-bit process also. So, if your application is 64 bit, you will need a 64-bit provider or driver to connect to  Microsoft Access (mdb, accdb) or Microsoft Excel 2010 (xls, xlsx, and xlsb) or  text files. Bad news is that there is no 64-bit provider or driver available "yet" to connect to these file-based data sources. Good news is that a 64-bit Provider is heading your way which is currently in beta phase.


The Kludge:

The common workaround is to connect to a 32-bit SQL Server instance that has a Linked Server to the Access/Excel/Text file. This is a hack, can be difficult to get set-up, and can have stability and performance issues, and realistically, we at Microsoft would rather not support this setup or issues arising from it.


The Good news:

 A 64-bit driver is headed your way. This is great news for users in a 64-bit world. Soon you'll be able to connect to these file-based data sources from your 64-bit application, rather than wrestle with obscure settings to force them to connect via a Linked Server.


The next version of Microsoft Office, Office 2010, will be available in a 64-bit version. This version will include a 64-bit version of "2010 Office System Driver Connectivity Components" which will include all the needed 64-bit ODBC driver and OLEDB providers to connect to these file-based data sources.


You will not have to buy or install Office 2010 to obtain and use the new 64-bit components. Like the current version of the provider, it will be available as a free download.


You can download the beta version from here:


Connection string for 64-bit OLEDB Provider:

  • For Microsoft Office Access : Set the Provider string to “Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
  • For Microsoft Office Excel : Add “Excel 12.0” to the Extended Properties of the OLEDB connection string.


Connection string for 64-bit ODBC Driver:

  • For Microsoft Office Access: Set the Connection String to “Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=path to mdb/accdb file”
  • For Microsoft Office Excel: Set the Connection String to “Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=path to xls/xlsx/xlsm/xlsb file”


The gotchas:

  • You cannot install the 32-bit version and the 64-bit version of the "2010 Office System Driver Connectivity Components" on the same computer.
  • You cannot install the 64-bit version of the "2010 Office System Driver Connectivity Components" on a computer that already has the 32-bit Office 2007 ACE Provider. However, the 32-bit Office 2007 provider can coexist side-by-side with the 32-bit version of the "2010 Office System Driver Connectivity Components".


Authors: Enamul Khaleque & Srini Gajjela [DSD-SQLDeveloper group at Microsoft]