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Oh! That Reminds Me...

Thanks to Jorgie for this question:

Way out from left field, let me ask you if you have any ideas how to make FS2004 work with IE7 installed? I have to uninstall IE7 to get FS to run without exiting anytime the main menu tries to load.

Yeah, that thing. <g> Those trying to run Flight Simulator on a Windows 2000 or XP box alongside IE7 may have noticed a happy little crash when FS tries to load. (I presume that's what Jorgie is talking about.) Without going into the sordid details, as it would take so very long and involve discussion of ancient software installation rituals and incantations <g>, you'll need to delete the copy of OLEACC.DLL in the FS2004 root folder. Make a backup copy if you wish but on Windows 2000 and XP machines deleting the file should have no effect on your system and FS and IE7 should live together in peace.