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Planning a new .net debugging lab set – What do you want to see?

There’s been close to 25 000 downloads of the buggy bits lab set, YAY!!! :)  but now I think it’s time to expand it a bit with some new labs. 

I have a few different issues in mind but I wanted to check in and see if there is something specific you want to see in the new lab set. 

I know that the first request I’ll probably get is to include something about COM debugging or debugging RCW/CCW leaks and I might do that, but I just want to say that I am struggling a bit with this.  Just for fun I installed VB 6.0 the other day to create some nasty COM component, but it has just been so long that I’ve forgotten how to write code without the VS.NET intellisense :) you don’t really realize how good it is to have something until you don’t have it anymore…

Looking at the old labs, my main goal there was to include the basic scenarios and to make sure that the labs could be installed in a few short steps without having to register this and that.  They do require IIS though, but I wanted to see what your thoughts are on some items before I start planning the new lab set

1. Are you interested in Winforms debugging, Silverlight debugging, WPF debugging?  It’s all essentially the same since the techniques are the same no matter what “shell” you use, but still…

2. Does it matter if you need IIS installed on the machine?

3. Do you want to see debug diag examples?

