Thank you Dr. Randy Pausch

I have always enjoyed watching motivational speakers giving out some speeches or tips on how to err... be motivated in life, or help others stay motivated, or maybe motivate others.  But most of the time the content of those speeches would stay with me for about a day, two at most, and then I would simply forget.

There's something different today.  I came across an article about a CMU professor, Dr. Randy Pausch, who's terminally ill with cancer (he sure doesn't look like it).  The professor gave his one final lector and very powerful lesson on life.  A little while later I managed to Live search around and found the video of lecture.  After watching it, I was a bit choked and I knew at the moment that this was going to be one motivational lesson that I would not forget.

"It's not about how to achieve your dreams, it's how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you."

-- Dr. Randy Pausch

What a statement.


(update 11/21/2007)

The full lecture is at  It's 1.5 hour long, but well worth it.