The Activity Designer

Not actually a WF 4.0 blog any more :)

(This is the sequel to grokking LazyAsyncResult, which could be considered a prerequisite.) You'll...

Date: 10/17/2016

(Background: sometimes as I try to understand our bugs, I have to learn about the .net internal...

Date: 10/17/2016

So you know how a lot of nuget packages include intellisense XML files and they get copied to your...

Date: 05/01/2015

Now that you've read part I perhaps you can answer this. What does this code do? class FO :...

Date: 04/06/2015

The answer is yes! OK let me explain. I never registered anything as...

Date: 04/03/2015

I just spent a while doing some refactoring. It turned out to be a very long while, probably much...

Date: 04/02/2015

[Disclaimer before we begin: I'm not really an expert on OWIN (henceforth 'owin') or HttpListener -...

Date: 03/11/2015

C# and typescript are starting to feel too familiar and dull, so I went exploring. I fired up my...

Date: 02/17/2015

So I’ve been reading some history of programming languages. And one question that came up a lot is...

Date: 12/05/2014

Nothing you can’t easily write yourself, but while playing around, I wrote this one myself, and...

Date: 11/21/2014

I sometimes see unit tests which are downright confusingly opaque. Being a unit test, they are...

Date: 09/19/2014

Thanks indirectly to a comment on my previous post, today I read ‘IQueryable is tight coupling’...

Date: 09/15/2014

Pattern 1: TryGetFoo that returns boolean. MyEnum ret;if (Enum.TryParse<MyEnum>(normalized,...

Date: 08/29/2014

I had a deployment to azure failing yesterday, and I thought ‘I know what caused this. It’s a dll...

Date: 08/28/2014

I had seen this before, but today I became determined to figure out how to fix my targets file. The...

Date: 08/18/2014

I found recently I like to do the coding more slowly and intersperse more reading than was once the...

Date: 08/11/2014

A well known pain point of the CLR is that loading your program and running a few lines takes too...

Date: 08/11/2014

So I flippantly said 'write a helper function that captures the right pattern for tokenizing' last...

Date: 08/11/2014

I reread something by Steve Yegge, which I think was his NBL thing. Anyway, he said something to the...

Date: 08/02/2014

If you’ve used Azure much, you may have eventually decided to use the DiagnosticsAgent plugin, as I...

Date: 05/28/2014

(Rambling) I’m taking another short foray into IQueryable land. From my learnings last time, In...

Date: 03/05/2014

The following program always fails for me with the web socket reaching the aborted state within a...

Date: 02/19/2014

I have a burning question on my mind. How fast can an HTTP/HTTPS server go? When I say fast, I have...

Date: 02/17/2014

So here’s the scene. I’ve been working on unit testing for a solid day, my percent...

Date: 02/14/2014

Here are a few thoughts about the refactoring process from going through my initial unit testing...

Date: 02/13/2014

This is going to be a fairly uninteresting and hard to follow post, but its here for the record,...

Date: 02/12/2014

I am having a mental hard time today because of unit tests. Not tests that fail... tests that don't...

Date: 02/12/2014

CA2202: Do not dispose objects multiple times How I hate this rule! Firstly, the rule is predicated...

Date: 02/12/2014

If you use Azure Diagnostics in your cloud service, and you use the DiagnosticTraceListener then all...

Date: 02/11/2014

By letting the operating system to the heavy lifting! But first, what inspired this article? I was...

Date: 01/29/2014

Not me! Until I happened across the SleepConditionalVariableCS function doc. It seems like it’s been...

Date: 11/22/2013

I'm using this library called FakeItEasy. The more I use it the more I like it. While using it I...

Date: 06/14/2013

reg ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\General" /v "SuppressUpperCaseConversion" /t...

Date: 05/21/2013

Further to my adventures with unobtrusive validation of yesterday, I found myself very stuck while...

Date: 05/08/2013

Today while trying to implement some new code, and cutting my teeth on javascript validation, I...

Date: 05/07/2013

'Fluent Interfaces' have been a bit of a buzz for probably long enough that I am not justified in...

Date: 04/02/2013

Hey, it's been a long time since I updated this blog. Did anybody miss me? Didn't think so. Since...

Date: 02/05/2013

(Intro: Sometimes as part of testing I go to silly lengths to try to point out what I think is going...

Date: 10/04/2012

Today I’m just advertising another MSDN blog that got circulated my way. This post may only going to...

Date: 09/13/2012

Today I was involved in a playful discussion about what would we do different about Workflow...

Date: 09/05/2012

Dropping the stealth cloak a little, it’s time for some personal news about what I’ve...

Date: 07/17/2012

One of WF’s usability problems in the .Net 4.0 release was the complexity of creating custom...

Date: 06/05/2012

[Minor disclaimer: content in this post is based upon a non-final release candidate build of .Net...

Date: 06/04/2012

Visual Studio 11 RC is here, and actually it’s now called “Visual Studio 2012 RC”. Obligatory link:...

Date: 05/31/2012

I’ve been publicizing for a while that Visual Studio 11 (still in Beta) supports C#...

Date: 05/24/2012

Although I haven’t used this feature in my regular work, I’ve known for a while that WF4.0 ships...

Date: 03/13/2012
