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So You Want to Give a Silverlight Presentation?

It's my hope that you're somewhat excited by this Silverlight stuff, and if so, perhaps you're wanting to spread the word amongst your fellow colleagues. To that end, I thought I'd share a couple of presentations that I've given often over the last couple of months. You're welcome to use these slides for your own education or for delivering to others.

  • Creating Rich Web Experiences with Silverlight 1.0. This presentation provides a technical overview of Silverlight 1.0, explaining the various features and how to use Silverlight to add richer interactions and media to a web site.
  • Building Rich Internet Applications with Silverlight 1.1. This second presentation follows on naturally from the previous one, and describes how the .NET Framework can be used as a supplemental set of development technologies to build RIAs with Silverlight. It also describes how you can use a language like C# as a programming language for a pure HTML solution.

Anyway, feel free to use these as you see fit. Oh, and I might as well note that the files themselves are stored on the new Windows Live Folders Beta service. Although this is in its infancy, I like the way this service makes it easy to share large files with either a named group of contacts or the world at large. Hopefully it works out!