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Updated Silverlight Samples and Yet More RC Bits

Now that the API-complete RC releases of Silverlight have been out for a couple of weeks, most developers have moved their Silverlight-based applications over to the new build. Here's an updated list of 50+ samples and applications that run on the Release Candidate builds:

2D Physics Engine, Amazon Search Visualization, Ant Attack, AOL Social Mail Gadget, Beatboxing, Bubble Factory, Bubblemark, Color Picker, Comic Book Viewer, Destroy All Invaders, Digger, Discovery Channel Never Miss TV, DotNetNuke Video Module, Dr Popper, EuroJobWeb, Flowers-For-You, Glyph Map, GOA WinForms Demo, Grand Piano, Infragistics Controls Demo, InkPresenter, JavaScript / .NET Chess, JellyGraph, Khet, Laugh-o-Sphere, Layout Controls, Line Graph, Major League Baseball, Michael’s Journal, Monotone, Nibbles Tutorials, Office Ribbon, Popfly, Python Console, Reflection Builder, Reflector for Silverlight, ReMIX07 Tokyo, Roxio Buzz, Silverlight Airlines Demo, Silverlight Chess Game Replay, Silverlight Mind Map, Silverlight Pad, Silverlight Rocks, SilverNibbles, Skinkers LiveStation, Sprawl, Surface Prototype, Telerik RadControls 3D Cube, Vertigo Flight Simulator, XPS Viewer, Zero Gravity

I know of a number of applications that are held back for the launch, but you'll see in the above list a growing list of big names starting to add Silverlight support, including AOL, Discovery Channel and Major League Baseball. If you've got a working sample or website that you want to see featured, please feel free to add it to the comments section of this mail.

imageIn other Silverlight news, we've issued another update: RC3 is build 1.0.20806.0. If you right-click on any Silverlight application and choose the "Silverlight Configuration" menu, you'll see the screen shown here, which you can use to check whether you're running the latest version or not. 

One important thing to note: if you're running the 1.1 builds (as I'm sure most developers are), we don't auto-update your machine. Since you're on the "development" fork, we require you to manually update your machine (simply run the install from the link here and your machine will get the latest bits). The current 1.1 bits are v1.1.20806.0 (the build number matches, just the major and minor version numbers are different).

Lastly, we've noted a few issues with ASX playlists. Next week's build will fix those - stay tuned... If you spot any other bugs, please report them in the forums or the comments section of this blog, and we'll try and repro. We're very nearly done now, and then onward to 1.1!