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5 reasons to download IE 7

I don't condone downloading and installing random programs just to try them. That's a great way to expose your computer to security threats and performance issues--not to mention filling your computer with junk. But if something helps you get things done and improves your computing experience, then it's time to download. That said, I highly recommend downloading and installing Internet Explorer 7. I've used IE7 for about two months. It's great. I had some problems when I started; for example, I couldn't log into my online banking site. But those problems have been resolved.

Several people--including me--have written about IE7 and some of the reasons to use it. I've included links to some these articles at the bottom of this article. In addition, here a couple of the things I have liked about IE7 so far.

  1. It's cool. Let's face it, IE6 looked dated compared to other browsers. But take a look at IE7. With Tabbed browsing, RSS Feeds, and an instant search box, IE7 has a new look that also improves your browsing experience.
  2. Stay more secure. A new IE7 architecture and improved security tools will help protect you against malicious software. For example, a phishing filter proactively warns you against potential or known fraudulent sites and blocks the site if appropriate. In addition, you can download Windows Defender Beta 2 to help prevent spyware from getting on your computer.
  3. Save paper. The new printing features automatically shrinks text so that the Web page fits onto your final printed page. It's one of my favorite features in IE7.
  4. Use new add-ons. There are several IE7 add-ons that can improve your browsing experience. Again, I don't condone downloading programs just to try them, but some of these are helpful.
  5. Tabbed browsing. I've liked the tabbed browsing since I started using IE7, but after 2 months of use I'm hooked. The tabs save me time and limit the number the windows I have open. And I know, other browsers have had this for a while.

Here are some additional IE7 articles that are helpful and that I suggest reading.

—Jason Kozleski